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After 9 happy years teaching predominantly a Year 5/6 class at St Mark's CE Primary School in Hadlow Down, he is now focussing solely on his own consultancy. He was a CAS Master Teacher, an accredited trainer for Osiris and Iris, as well as CEOP Ambassador. He worked for 12 years in the local authority as a Teaching and Learning adviser for ICT. He is a highly regarded and skilled teacher and trainer who has run a large number of training sessions across the country. He was previously a teacher in 3 secondary schools for 16 years including head of modern foreign languages. He has delivered and co-ordinated a number of national and local initiatives including the New Opportunities Funded (NOF) training, KS3 National Strategy for ICT, county laptop for teachers' scheme, learning platform project, the Self Review Framework and is now offering a range of courses and support including: Computing, Online Safety and Technology across the curriculum, as well as being an effective subject leader.

He has been the strategic lead for ICT across the curriculum in East Sussex schools, promoting the use of effective technology across all subjects. He has substantial experience of the successful leadership of teams of staff and working with senior leadership teams on whole school ICT provision, across alliances of schools, as well as in federations and East Sussex County Council (ESCC) sponsored academies. He was formerly a head of year responsible for 270 pupils in one school and has led and managed the county’s ICT team, Associate Teacher Advisers, Advanced Skills Teachers and Leading Teachers.

Andrew has an extensive source of contacts who can also deliver support if needed.

When not working he loves playing sport and hiking in wilderness areas.

Below are some comments from teachers who have worked with Andrew...


“The feedback and guidance I received from Andrew has been invaluable. I felt like he was doing everything to make sure I passed the year. Thank you!”

“You are an inspirational teacher who is clearly very passionate about what you do. “

“Loved the Geocaching”.

(GTP coaching sessions)

“Andrew was extremely knowledgeable, accessible and very professional”

“A great selection of ideas to use in school, delivered in an easy to follow day”

“There was so much to deliver by a super trainer. It could easily become a 2 day workshop.”

(Computing training sessions)

Thank you for your invoice - money very well spent! Your sessions were entertaining, informative, practical and reassuring. Feedback from staff is that they feel much more confident about what's expected in the new curriculum. I am sure we will want you to return at some point next year once the dust has settled a little!

(In school support)

“Well done for organising a fantastic event - it was great fun and most importantly useful”

“Well done for organising such a great event!”

" Thanks again for organising such a cracking conference. I really found it an inspiring day!!"

(Computing conference)

"Thanks again for the superb training. The children have really shown a keen interest in their online safety over the last few months and have been far more vigilant
in their use of the Internet"

(Online safety day)