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We deliver a wide range of training courses both at set venues and on-site. Andrew works with businesses and schools and is currently an accredited trainer for Iris, Life Cloud, Games for Life, as well as CEOP Ambassador. He has taken part in a range of professional development opportunities including Ofsted training, Naace courses and national ICT conferences, was a link tutor on the Graduate Teacher programme and has supported Newly Qualified Teachers. He is passionate about supporting students and teachers and has had great success in this during his career. He has delivered a wide range of courses including MS Office and those linked to programming, using software such as Logo, Flowol, Logicator, Lego WeDo, 2DIY, Lego Mindstorms, Kodu, Scratch, Gamemaker, Alice, MIT App Inventor, Appshed and Greenfoot. Andrew has an extensive source of contacts who can also deliver training if needed.

Take a look at the courses already planned for the year. If you have further suggestions please let me know!

Scratch logo Kodu Games for Life IRIS